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Simon Denny

DNA data storage Terrier (US 2021/0225461 A1: METHODS AND SYSTEMS FOR DATA STORAGE, 2021)

Simon Denny (b. 1982 Auckland, New Zealand; lives in Berlin, Germany)

Simon Denny’s sculpture is a monumental, figurative interpretation of DNA data storage, displaying a vision of the future where data and bodies are more physically intertwined. DNA data storage is a procedure that explores the possibilities of using DNA to store the immense volume of information that we generate daily, replicating the structure of the hereditary material. The sculpture is adapted from a US patent drawing a molecular electronics circuit – a critical component of the DNA data storage mechanism. Passersby are invited to aim their smartphone cameras at the sculpture to activate an AR animation in which the top portion of the molecular circuit becomes a Scottish Terrier that breaks free from its perch to run and frolic around the sculpture.


Major support for the High Line Plinth is provided by members of the High Line Plinth Committee and contemporary art leaders committed to realizing major commissions and engaging in the public success of the Plinth. Learn more about the High Line Plinth Committee.