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Photo by Liz Ligon Photo by Liz Ligon

Foundation Support

Foundation support helps us to advocate for the preservation of the High Line and to transform this historical structure into a thriving public space.

We are deeply grateful to our foundation partners for supporting our general operations, arts, culture, educational, and community-based programs, which serve millions of visitors every year.

Foundation support helps us to advocate for the preservation of the High Line and to transform this historical structure into a thriving public space.

We are deeply grateful to our foundation partners for supporting our general operations, arts, culture, educational, and community-based programs, which serve millions of visitors every year.

Program Opportunities


In caring for the High Line’s more than 150,000 plantings, our gardeners use ecologically-sensitive methods as part of our commitment to sustainability.


We bring world-class contemporary art to the public, enlivening the park and sparking dynamic, rich conversations with wide audiences.


Youth from all over New York City gather for cultural and social events, organized and led by our teen staff members.

Public Engagement

Our hundreds of free public programs invite New Yorkers to connect with neighbors, learn, and enjoy the park. We also offer programs for families.

High Line Network

We’re sharing resources with our peers, and supporting a rising movement to turn under-used infrastructure into vibrant, equitable public space.


The High Line is a place to grow (and not just for plants). Children and adults alike enjoy music, dance, storytelling, and other creative experiences.

Current Partners

Friends of the High Line gratefully acknowledges the following foundation partners whose support makes our operations and programs possible in 2022:

The Brown Foundation, Inc. of Houston
Con Edison
The Cowles Charitable Trust
Dutch Culture USA program by the Consulate General of the Netherlands in New York
EJF Philanthropies
Ford Foundation
Greenacre Foundation
The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation
The JPB Foundation
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
The Kristina & William Catto Foundation
The Mondriaan Fund
NYC Green Relief & Recovery Fund
Scintilla Foundation

Friends of the High Line Founding Partners

Friends of the High Line would also like to express its deepest thanks to the institutions that made the High Line possible. The following foundations supported the organization when the High Line was just a seed of an idea and enabled the park to become what it is today

A G Foundation
The A. Woodner Fund
The Aber D. Unger Foundation, Inc.
Achelis & Bodman Foundations
Altman Foundation
Arnold & Marie Schwartz Fund for Education & Health Research
The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation
Bloomberg Philanthropies
The Bobolink Foundation, Wendy Paulson
The Bonnie Cashin Foundation
The Brown Foundation, Inc.
Christy and John Mack Foundation
Coach Foundation
Con Edison
The Concordia Foundation
The Diller – von Furstenberg Family Foundation
The Felix & Elizabeth Rohatyn Foundation
Ford Foundation
Google, Inc.
Greenacre Foundation
The Greenwall Foundation
GRoW Annenberg Foundation
Guffey Family Foundation
The Hearst Foundations
The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation
The J. Paul Getty Trust
The J.M. Kaplan Fund
Jockey Hollow Foundation
Johnson Family Foundation
Leon Levy Foundation
Lily Auchincloss Foundation
LuEsther T. Mertz Advised Fund
Lynne Waxman Foundation
Merck Family Fund
The Nathan Cummings Foundation
New York City Department of Cultural Affairs
The New York Community Trust
NYMEX Foundation
The Pershing Square Foundation
The Philip and Janice Levin Foundation
The Rockefeller Foundation
The Sidney J. Weinberg, Jr. Foundation
Surdna Foundation, Inc.
The Tiffany & Co. Foundation
Tiger Baron Foundation
Trust for Architectural Easements
Wachovia Foundation

For more information, please contact: 

Meagan Muncy
Director of Institutional Giving