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The Future of Monumentality - What is Monumentality?

The High Line and Next City present this speaker series moderated by New York Times critic Salamishah Tillet as a unique intersection of art, design, and urbanism.

Day 1: What is Monumentality?
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Salamishah Tillet
Paul Ramírez
Jonas Justin
Garrett Moore, AICP, NOMA
Zena Howard, FAIA
Our first panel, “What is Monumentality?,” examines monumentality itself through the lens of art, architecture, and public space. What does it mean to memorialize an event? A person? A movement? What is the relationship between the monument, the narrative it projects, and its audience? Who gets to tell the story? How are monuments wielded by a dominant culture to control and/or subjugate; and conversely, how are these forms leveraged to reclaim lost cultural history?