The High Line is open from Gansevoort to 30th Street today. Please note that the Connector bridges at 30th Street, the 11th Avenue & 30th Street entrance, and the 26th Street stair remain closed.
Athyrium filix-femina ‘Minutissimum’
In its native range, this pioneering fern will take hold on rock surfaces. The fiddleheads are edible, with a flavor reminiscent of artichokes.
Wisteria frutescens ‘Amethyst Falls’
Native to Northeast American moist woodlands, American wisteria is far less aggressive than Asian varieties.
Sesleria autumnalis
This cool-season European grass is one of the first plants on the High Line to begin growing in the spring. Moor grass also does well in shade.
Betula populifolia ‘Whitespire’
With distinctive triangular markings punctuating white bark, gray birch is one of the most elegant and easily recognized trees on the High Line.
Amelanchier laevis
The High Line is beautiful thanks in large part to individual supporters like you. Members provide the tools and resources our gardeners need to keep the gardens open to everyone for seasons to come.
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