Park update: On September 7, the Spur and High Line Connector at 30th Street will be closed. From September 8 – 9, the Spur, High Line Connector, and Coach Passage at 30th Street will be closed.
The last few weeks have been among the hardest in a string of profoundly difficult ones. The tragic and senseless murders of Rayshard Brooks, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and so many others have further exposed the severe inequities, structural racism, and division that pervade our country.
In the midst of all this, COVID-19 continues to devastate the lives of our families, friends, and neighbors. It’s abundantly clear that this pandemic is disproportionately affecting the lives of Black and Brown communities.
These events have forced the High Line to look closer at the role we play in contributing to our country’s systemic racism and identify how we can combat racism in all that we do. We are inspired by the statements made by other organizations about the ways in which they seek to address the fundamental injustice of our social and governmental structures.
At the same time, we want to be clear, considerate, and intentional about our own pledge to stand with our community, city, and country to drive systemic change. We seek to make promises to which we can be held accountable.
In that spirit, we are at work right now convening our staff and board to make space for difficult conversations, to listen, to interrogate our policies and practices, and to identify the most meaningful actions we can take that will deliver tangible results.
Given the structural position of racism within our society, meaningful change will require steadfast dedication. We stand with our staff, board, community partners, and all our fellow New Yorkers, committed to making the High Line and the city it serves live up to the values we all hold dear.